In the winter of 2017, two lovers set out on an adventure to Valley of Fire State Park. After a night spent gazing at the stars and enjoying a romantic campfire, they retreated to their rented camper, hoping to get a good night's sleep.
But as they crawled into bed, they realized something was wrong. The indoor temperature was too cold, despite the outdoor temperature being just 43F. Desperate for warmth, they clung to a plastic water bottle filled with boiled water, but it wasn't enough to keep them cozy.
The following morning, they woke up feeling exhausted and unrefreshed, their once dreamy adventure turning into a nightmare due to the freezing night. As architecture majors, they decided to take matters into their own hands and make their own space for travel.
From Architectural Designers to Founders
Kyunghyun was an international student as Master's of Architecture at SCI-Arc, the project started as a personal project.
Research of teardrop trailers and RV industry
Upon conducting research on teardrop trailers and the broader RV industry, they were surprised to discover that most manufacturers in the RV industry prioritize amenities over fundamental quality when producing campers. However, the founders had previously learned through personal experience that aspects such as towing capability and sleeping comfort are far more crucial than amenities for an enjoyable road trip.